デザイナーの三原康裕が辿り着いたのは、自らのスタート地点である 1990 年代の東京の空気感。
それらを再構築・再構成する中に、 Maison MIHARA YASUHIRO らしいユーモアを散りばめた。

"In an era when information has become much easier to obtain globally, I’ ve turned to localising myself with my surroundings."
The answer that designer Mihara Yasuhiro was searching for was his memories of Tokyo in the 1990s.
It was the period of time when Mihara started his path within the fashion industry.
The unique Japanese fashion scene took on more of an American casual and military style approach to clothing, with the help of the youth of Japan, this trend blossomed.
Japan was desperately chasing American and European fashion trends.
Mihara incorporated these aspects within his collections, with the addition of Mihara’ s humour of deconstructing and reconstructing garments.